Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sunday September 24, 2006
Topics you can't afford to miss for Critical Care Board exams - Part 1

Editors' note: Internal Medicine's Critical Care board exam is approaching fast and we are sure fellows are preparing for it. With our experiences, we will post list of those areas (few today) which have been frequently asked in Critical Care board exams. Remember ! Taking a test is an art. Prepare for those topics which you suppose to know as an intensivist. Critical Care board exams are unique in the sense that most questions are from your day to day practice at bedside. No big magic or unusual things. We request all readers to share topics they feel our fellows should prepare. This is first in series and once a week we will try to post important topics. Good luck !!. And do as many MCQS as you may find.

1. Ethylene Glycol overdose case with osmolal gap and basic chemistry calculation (Somehow this topic and to distinguish Ethylen Glycol from other ETOHs remained all time favourite in board exams) .

2. Formula for SVR calculations

3. PWP wave form in intubated and non-intubated patient

4. Indications and contra-indications of TPA in CVA

5. Clinical manifestations of Auto-PEEP

6. Treatment of Auto-PEEP

7. ARDS and application of low tidal volume

8. PAC findings in cardiac tamponade

9. Algorithm of Dr. Rivers' Early Goal Directed Theapy

10. Adrenal insufficieny - lab and clinical findings

11. Management of fresh tracheostomy (like what if it comes out).

12. Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (types and clinical findings).

13. Side effects of different neuro-muscular blockers

14. Propofol infusion syndrome

15. Weaning parameters


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